Sunday, December 8, 2013

Elsie the Perfectionist Hosts a Picture Perfect Tea Party

We've been iced into our neighborhood since my last post but that didn't stop Elsie! She's fueled by Christmas Magic, remember?

After Elsie parachuted into the house on day one. She decided to "finish" the Christmas house art project that Little Miss did with her Nonna. Apparently we forgot to make a red nose for Rudolph. We can't have that, now can we?

Elsie perched on the light fixture to keep a watchful eye on Santa and his reindeer. Looks like a nice place to relax... for an elf.

After a night of swinging from the rafters, Elsie is ready to have Tea with her BFFs. On day 3, Lambie and Ariel take turns serving tea and posing for the camera. No doubt Elsie is getting her stash of pictures ready to take back to the North Pole so she will have plenty of material for her scrapbook. Surprised? What else would she do all summer?

So when Little Miss awoke to the sight of this... the first two questions she asks are:

  1. What is going on here?
  2. Why is my teacup stuck to Elsie?

The first is an easy answer, right? Having a tea party!
(Ha! I've got this!)
And the second?
(Ok, maybe I don't.)

Here's how that conversation went:

  • Me: What do you mean stuck? I think she's just holding on tight.
  • LM: Well, that's not what her hands look like!
  • Me: (Dang it, she has a point there...) Um, I don't know. Wait, did you touch Elsie?
  • LM: Nooooooo. I just tried to get the cup. It's mine and it goes upstairs in my kitchen!
The child who scatters her toys far and wide is now concerned that two teacups are not with the rest. Of course!

Note to self: keep Elsie at a safe distance from sticky fingers AND scrutinizing eyes!

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