Sunday, December 8, 2013

Sitting Pretty

Elsie must have been tuckered out from her trip to the North Pole last night. She's resting on the dove. Took Little Miss a little while to find her this morning. 

She only panicked a little, and we need to keep her on her toes anyway, right?

Well, off to Pinterest I go... I think Elsie needs to get a little more creative or I won't have anything to write about!

Elsie the Perfectionist Hosts a Picture Perfect Tea Party

We've been iced into our neighborhood since my last post but that didn't stop Elsie! She's fueled by Christmas Magic, remember?

After Elsie parachuted into the house on day one. She decided to "finish" the Christmas house art project that Little Miss did with her Nonna. Apparently we forgot to make a red nose for Rudolph. We can't have that, now can we?

Elsie perched on the light fixture to keep a watchful eye on Santa and his reindeer. Looks like a nice place to relax... for an elf.

After a night of swinging from the rafters, Elsie is ready to have Tea with her BFFs. On day 3, Lambie and Ariel take turns serving tea and posing for the camera. No doubt Elsie is getting her stash of pictures ready to take back to the North Pole so she will have plenty of material for her scrapbook. Surprised? What else would she do all summer?

So when Little Miss awoke to the sight of this... the first two questions she asks are:

  1. What is going on here?
  2. Why is my teacup stuck to Elsie?

The first is an easy answer, right? Having a tea party!
(Ha! I've got this!)
And the second?
(Ok, maybe I don't.)

Here's how that conversation went:

  • Me: What do you mean stuck? I think she's just holding on tight.
  • LM: Well, that's not what her hands look like!
  • Me: (Dang it, she has a point there...) Um, I don't know. Wait, did you touch Elsie?
  • LM: Nooooooo. I just tried to get the cup. It's mine and it goes upstairs in my kitchen!
The child who scatters her toys far and wide is now concerned that two teacups are not with the rest. Of course!

Note to self: keep Elsie at a safe distance from sticky fingers AND scrutinizing eyes!

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Look Who's Baaaaack!

First and foremost, let me say how incredibly rediculous it is that I've only had one post since Else left us last Christmas. I shake my head in disdain at myself...

Ok it's late, let's move on shall we? Our darling Elsie has returned again this year. She was going to come after Thanksgiving but somewhere between the North Pole and our garage she got buried under some boxes and we had to go on a rescue mission and dig her out. 

So first her book materialized in the livingroom last night. Then her ribbon got hung up on the mantle when she was parachuting into the house. Apparently she can pass through the roof like a ninja, or a ghost, you pick. 

Here is the evidence...

Oh yeah, if Little Miss asks -
All Christmas ribbon is made at the North Pole and then distributed to the stores to sell. That's why Elsie's ribbon looks so much like our Christmas ribbon. Little stinker - perceptive for a 3 year old!

Hopefully I'll get back into the blogging mode with a little help from our elf friend...

Until tomorrow, stay warm. It's icing here and more precipitation in the forecast with below freezing temps all weekend. Schools and daycares shut down for tomorrow! One of the perks of living in Texas, we rarely have to leave home if winter weather comes our way.   

Friday, August 16, 2013

Help! I've Been Lost...

Somewhere among the lines of code, stacks of deadlines, and shredded boarding passes, I lost myself in the rubble. For the last few weeks I've been trying to piece my sanity back together, and I'm just now getting around to Bloggy-World. Admittedly, I would love to sweep you off your feet with some profound and meaningful post, but that's probably not going to happen today.

So, what events derailed my blogging efforts? 

For starters, work was the main thing. I love my job and the challenges that I am faced with on a regular basis, but when there isn't any reprieve from the constant battering of the storm, it can take a toll on my sanity.  Then there were was Christmas and New Year's, Valentines and Spring Break, and after that, it was Summertime and now Back to School time. All of my other spare time, which was few and far between, I devoted to my family - after all that's who it's all for, isn't it?

What's going on now?

Amid the ashes and debris, we've set off another whirlwind for ourselves just to shake things up a bit. God-willing I'll have some good news to share about that very soon. Oh by the way, don't go off daydreaming that we're expanding our family because we most certainly are not. At least, not that I'm aware of, and one would think that I would be required to know such things...

Where do I go from here?

I fully intend to dust off my camera and start capturing life again... mostly because I need proof that I actually have one, but also to fan the embers of creativity into a steady flame once again.