Oh my gosh it's almost Halloween and I've fallen off the face of my blog. I've been a little busy... last minute summer traveling, huge deadlines at work, and you get the idea...
So I guess you could say that my October theme is "OH-MY-GOSH" October. Ha!
I think I need to take a different approach to this blogging thing. Trying to blog everyday was getting to be too much and as you can see, I just don't have the time. So here we go, I'm going to try this again... a little differently (or not really) this time. Since this is a place where I can let the contents of my mind spill out I'll try and post something once a week. I'm hoping it will be some cute and funny moments that have happened to me all week, but might actually turn out to be some not-so-funny and really boring moments.
Keep your fingers crossed.
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